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Not Tush?

ZZ Top: “La Grange” might be the most significant Z Z Top song.  Tush is popular…the song I mean, but most people would say La Grange.  It was on their 3rd album Tres Hombres in 1978 and it was not their first single; that was “Francine,” from their second album, Rio Grande Mud. Nor was it their first Top 40 hit, because it only reached number-41. But singer and bassist Dusty Hill says if he had to name the band’s most significant songs that one would be on the short list.

“I don’t do a lot of thinking about this. I don’t get hung up in that. There’s enough people critiquing it already, so I can never answer that, because it changes. But I would put ‘La Grange’ in there, because it was one of the first that got kind of recognition, plus I just still enjoy playing that song.”

Photo Credit: Solarpix / PR Photos

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