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On Air
Monday-Friday: 10AM-3PM


Seth was born on a dairy farm in Vermont.  He and his dad, no kidding, found out rock music actually helped the cows produce more milk.  Some have had luck with classical music too… but that’s neither here, nor there.  Back in the barn in St. Johnsbury Seth fell in love with what the cows found to be pretty frickin’ awesome too.  Hair bands, rock pioneers, screamin’ guitars and yes Stairway to Heaven.
Seth calls Wallingford home now… with not a cow in sight.  But he does share his home with two furry friends that probably love rock music just as much as the larger bovine types.  Oh… and his wife and 9 year old hockey player son too.  Seth is still raw the Whalers bailed on us for Carolina… the wounds still run deep… so, please, don’t get him started.
Seth enjoys the outdoors, target shooting and plinking in the woods and the game of golf.  He’s a former hockey player himself… but his kid skates circles around him.
So to sum Seth up in a sentence:  Family, cows, hockey, golf, target shooting… in that order.
Seth sure is happy to call 102.9 The Whale home in the nighttime.  So stick around… you never know what’ll come out of his “blowhole”.