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Monday- Friday: 3PM-7PM

One Day!

Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi celebrates his birthday on February 19th. He recalls that they recorded their first couple of albums so fast that it’s actually hard to recall specifics about the making of a classic cut like “Iron Man.” Their self-titled first album was completed in a single day, and the second, Paranoid, took just four days in the studio. So it’s not surprising that his memories of recording “Iron Man” are barely distinguishable from those of laying down the song “Paranoid.”


“It was on the same session, you know. We done it very quick. All the Paranoid album was nothing memorable, as far as doing each track. What I did remember was we were so pleased when we done that album. We really enjoyed that album, as we did the first one. And, of course, it went in England straight to number-one, so for us we were, like, thrilled.”

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