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Monday-Friday: 10AM-3PM

Holiday Kiss


The four surviving former members of KISS came together this past weekend at Creatures Fest in Nashville.

On Friday, two of the band’s four founding members, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley, came together when Criss joined Frehley and his band on two KISS songs Criss sang — “Hard Luck Woman” and “Strange Ways.”

On Saturday, former guitarist Vinnie Vincent was joined by Bruce Kulick on “War Machine,” followed by Frehley on “Deuce” and “Cold Gin.”

Also on Saturday, Kulick sat in with Fozzy singer Chris Jericho‘s ’80s KISS cover band, Kuarantine.

And on Sunday, Criss came back on stage, this time with Kulick for a version of “Hooked on Rock ‘N’ Roll” from Peter’s self-titled 1978 album.


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