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Monday-Friday: 10AM-3PM

Never Say Never


Aerosmith bassist Tom Hamilton is the only member of the band who has been talking since the band announced earlier this month that they can no longer tour due to Steven Tyler‘s vocal issues.

In an interview with AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) magazine he was asked “On a scale of one to 10, one being ‘doubtful we’ll do anything,’ and 10 being, ‘Yes, we’ll be doing something…'” Hamilton said, “I’m somewhere between seven and nine. We won’t be doing any tours from now on, but I’ll always have hope that other types of opportunities will come along. This isn’t the first time black clouds have been on our horizon — and somehow the sun managed to come out…

“Steven has a way of powering through challenges like this one. He’s done it before. You never know. We won’t be touring, but there are a lot of other ways to be and do Aerosmith.”

But, Hamilton doesn’t expect them to do another Las Vegas residency, or a new album, saying there “hasn’t been any talk about” doing one.

As for how he’s doing following throat cancer, he says, “I had a lot of radiation back in 2006. The thing about radiation is that you can get aftereffects years later, and in my case, it showed up as some damage to the nerves in my arm and hand. But I’ve figured out a way to get around it. Actually, I think my body figured out a way by itself. Then there’s the normal wear and tear that comes from slamming your fingers into steel cables for 50-plus years. But when you love to do something, you come up with ways to keep doing it.”

Hamilton is currently playing in a band called Close Enemies that he hopes will release some songs and schedule some shows.


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