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On the Road to Tan-Tan

Today Robert plant turns 71 One of the most famous Led Zeppelin songs is “Kashmir”.  It was never release as a single.  Well it was in Thailand. It was on Physical Graffiti and it was inspired by a trip to Morocco but it was about a place in the Himalayas that no one in the band had ever visited. Robert Plant has said that “Kashmir” is one of his contributions to the Led Zeppelin catalog that he’s most proud of. He tells how it came about.

“‘Kashmir’ was written from my angle. It was written on the road to Tan-Tan in southern Morocco, just off the Atlantic coast. And it’s a place where your mind can really dance and where your imagination is way open. After a while, all the stuff you’ve ever thought about is gone and you got this whole different place that’s giving you a sort of door into a whole different you.”

Photo Credit: Carlos Tischler /

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